Sunday, February 05, 2006

The final weekend,

I told dad i was going after them this weekend, which means if birds land around me i will be going after them on foot. The days total was 7 Mallards one banded hen Mallard that was banded five years ago.

2: I chose 1 south, "BHatcher shot this pond the previous weekend and only got one bird". I put all the decoys out splitting the main boat channel. A pair came in right at shooting time and bammo drake down, bammo hen down,,, the hen was banded with a 1500 series band.

3: Another pair came in and landed way south east of me,,, i started after them and came to the area where i new they were and both got up next to me at 20 feet. I shot the drake or so i thought,,, Nope it was a hen. It was an easy double even for a 20 guage.

4: Several pairs laned in the slot, so i started off after them. When i got there all i could see after sneeking throught my toolie spot was pair of cinnamon teal "20 feet". I climbed up to get a better view and infront of me again a pair got up. I shot at the drake, he started down but wasnt dead, bammo again, this time down for good, dead. This walk from my pond was 20 minutes "one way".

5: Back at the pond now, another pair came in landing in the pond just east of me. I started out right after them and watched them tuck into the toolies. I got very close to where they went in and both jumped, bammo drake was downed.

7: I was done now but just before I got back into my hid another pair came in and landed in heavy toolie cover just east of me again. I knew i could easily sneek up on these cause i already walked there eariler. After i felt i was close enough i looked ahead and saw the drake on the water prening. I took one shot and with that the drake went to the right "alive" and to the left went the hen "alive". Crap, I thought i was going to loose both birds honestly. I ended up getting both birds with out firing another shot.

Then i motored up to BB who was in S Vietnam asked how he did, he had one mallard then i held up my bag of birds. His jaw dropped!!! I gave him a hen and we were off.

Awesome morning as good as the opener.